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Anyone been to Scofield this week - Printable Version

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Anyone been to Scofield this week - Majja - 01-12-2017

I was planning on taking my kids to Scofield this weekend for a little Chub jerkin and was wondering what the conditions are. I imagine that is is high enough it has weathered the warm spell pretty good.


Re: [Majja] Anyone been to Scofield this week - TopH2O - 01-12-2017

They have received a ton of snow in the last four or five days. We've had over 18 inches in Price.
My friend who is a Utah DOT snowplow driver told me he would call me when they find the lake again. [Wink]


Re: [TopH2O] Anyone been to Scofield this week - Majja - 01-12-2017

thanks for the heads up.

Re: [Majja] Anyone been to Scofield this week - TopH2O - 01-13-2017

My friend called and said they haven't dug down far enough yet to find the reservoir but they'll keep trying. [Wink]

Re: [TopH2O] Anyone been to Scofield this week - Majja - 01-13-2017

I hope they can find it by tomorrow. If not it may be a nice road trip ...

Re: [Majja] Anyone been to Scofield this week - wel-don_fishing - 01-13-2017

I was there Tuesday. Ice is safe, we were on 10" of ice by the damn but the slush was terrible. We had a couple inches of slush, it was a rough hike in and out. Chub were going crazy that day though, bright colored jig tipped with worm was the meal ticket. The canyon cleared out by the end of the day, some snow going up in the morning. Parking make sure to have four wheel drive, we parked down from the damn.

Re: [wel-don_fishing] Anyone been to Scofield this week - Majja - 01-13-2017

Thanks for the heads up. That is the area I wanted to target so I do appreciate it. I hope the cold tempts from last night and tonight solidify the slush a little more. How DOW were you fishing?

Re: [Majja] Anyone been to Scofield this week - wel-don_fishing - 01-14-2017

We were fishing in 20ft of water
I was using a perch glow jig and my buddy a bright orange jig
Tipped with worm and chub were going crazy
Caught fish all through the water column