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What to expect for utah lake? - Printable Version

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What to expect for utah lake? - americanforkdude - 01-14-2017

Hoping an expert will chime in on what to expect for utah lake once ice breaks. With the algae bloom in fall and lake freezing and harbors only being a foot deep, is the fishery going to be hurting? I don't see the lake rising much with the winter we have especially come fall of next year there may be no fish in there anyways. But curious your thoughts on the bloom and the ice with shallow water levels.

Re: [americanforkdude] What to expect for utah lake? - Therapist - 01-14-2017

The warmer weather has been a small help as it has broken up the ice. There will be a winterkill, how large is yet to be determined. Again, with the warmer weather, the lake will not freeze as deep and wind and wave action will help to oxygenate the open water. Inflow will help some and some of the game fish will move up into the rivers and creeks to take refuge. Some areas like mud lake and powell slough have some fresh water inflows that will help fish in those areas, but the low water in those areas still remains a problem.

Another problem noted in other posts are the overfishing by some members of the public. Normal places where the fish will winter are not available and the few that are, are being over exploited by both fish and fishermen, so that will also be a drain on the resource.

So, with so many variables, we'll just have to wait till March 15 ( normal date for ice off) and hope for the best !!

Re: [americanforkdude] What to expect for utah lake? - brookieguy1 - 01-15-2017

If the winter keeps up like it is, we should have an amazing water year!

Re: [brookieguy1] What to expect for utah lake? - Therapist - 01-15-2017

but most of that water will not arrive till March, April, and May. Till then, the water is very thin and any ice will shut off the light and oxygen. A major hard freeze could actually freeze parts of the lake solid. All that is not good !! Like I said, there will be a winter kill, we just don't know how big it will be !!

Re: [Therapist] What to expect for utah lake? - brookieguy1 - 01-15-2017

I understand. I say fill Utah Lake first and then continue upstream to Deer Creek and Jordanelle. It's Utah Lake's turn for it's share! And screw the GSL! That lake does it's job low or high.