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No Utah lake, tried Willard
Son and I had plans to get out on UL / LB one more time today. Then the sticky, green goo stuff came up and some CYA state folks decided to post the water as CLOSED. [mad] So not wanting to just cancel out all together, decided to hit the closer local pond from the south marina.
Got to the gate about 5:30, first ones in line waiting for the open-sez-a-me. On the water by about 6:20. BUGS and more BUGS we went the head nets almost immediately, OK, not almost, make that , IMMEDIATELY

Over 3 hours of trolling, numerous speeds, lures, depths, areas, had one good thing happen......................the breeze came up a bit and the bugs lightened up. [:/]

Stopped at several normally productive Cat locals, nada, zip, oops.. one small Perch, then back to nada, and zilch, and zip, and OH Lucky me, I don't have to take home the skunk, I got another tiny Perch. [Tongue]

12:30 ish, called it a good 6 hour effort, and turned the water over to the emerging power squadron. [crazy]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Sorry to hear your final day was canceled down here. Even sorrier that Willard wasn’t nicer to you. And then to deal with bugs can really frustrate a good day of fishing.

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