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CARP? Twin lakes?
A buddy and I were sight fishing on twin lakes in Clifton. We saw 4 what looked to be carp swimming in the shallow water. Has anyone else seen any or caught any on twin ? I am going to get with fish and game on Monday to see what they know. Thanks Troy
There are carp in Twin Lakes . I have seen several . Never caught one .
Did you catch any fish?
they have killed twin a handful of times because of carp. I hadnt heard of any sense the last time, i hope it doesnt become a problem
We did catch a few smaller bass the biggest was 14" I wish they would stop pulling water out it is getting pretty low.
I have a farmer by me who is watering his grain stubble, sometimes i get the feeling they water just to water.
That's the kind of stuff I've been complaining about. It doesn't make any sense. Or the people watering their lawns the morning after a heavy rain. There are huge puddles everywhere, but they still have the sprinklers on [crazy] Oh well, irrigation season is just about over isn't it?
Carp come from the bear river that's what feeds twin lakes, they should stop drawing water any time now..
The water comes from mink creek the water is carried over the bear in the siphon tube at the bottom of Oneida narrows. If they came from there are there carp in Condie or winder? Just wondering?
I've spent a lot more time at Condie and Winder than Twin, and I've never seen a carp at either. I haven't seen them at Twin either, but I usually only fish it a little in the spring when the brush is flooded. Then it becomes a little too infested for my tastes [laugh]
Condie and winder are not fed from that big pipe..
The water for Twin comes from Mink Cr in the pipe over the Bear. Condie and Winder are connected to the Twin Lakes canal also.

It's a shame if carp are in Twin again. Most likely due to someone using live carp minnows for bait.

Edit: Besides the water from Mink Cr I learned that they do have two pumps in the Bear River. Screened? I would assume so. Could the carp be small enough to make it through the pumps?
I did talk to someone from fish and game today They told me several different ways the carp got in twin.from coming down from mink creek or the bear river though pumps to some one using live bait. So truth be told no one knows for sure. My theory is through a pump below the south dam that pumps out of a drainage ditch that runs to the river. The Sad thing is I don't think idfg will put any resources into twin becausethe way they control the access. what do yall think?
Well twin lakes canal company owns the reservoir, as well as a few others in area, they built it.. Just like chesterfield is owned by Downey canal.. If they want it to be drained they can drain it regardless of what any one else wants. Only reason I knew they pumped water from the bear is because I've replaced a pump for them a few years back..
i think if it becomes a problem they will still put the resources to fix the problem, if you go there on a weekend in the summer there are a lot of vehicles from south of the border that buy out of state licenses that bring revinue.
Talked with IDFG and I formed them about it they are going to look into it the coming week, as well as a new problem that has arose involving illigaly planted bass in yet another trout reservoir.. A bunch of yearling bass were caught out of it recently, needless to say IDFG is mad about it due to their efforts to bring back the cutthroat population..
which res are you speaking of?
I guess deep creek? Maybe it's a guessing game. Haha
Its not deep creek no. I didn't intend for it to be a guessing game just would rather not hot spot the place due to it has made a huge recovery for cutthroat it was a put and take for many years and back in the early 90's held brook trout that rivaled those in Henry's lake..
Well if it's Treasureton, it's no secret. The bass have been a problem for a few years now. I really need to get up there and make some tacos. I dearly hope nobody put bass in Daniels. As much as I love bass, they don't belong there.

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