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Has anybody been by Chesterfield to check the lake level? Is the canal company putting water back in yet? Fishngame still plans to plant 25,000+ rainbows there this month. It would be great for this fishery if it could be closed for ice fishing to allow the water level to come back up. Low level and lots of planters equals slow growth and a lot of dead fish. Also, it would be nice eventually to see Browns and cuts planted here.
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Its fed by a creek so not sure how they could put water back in? they have stopped watering. I would be amazed if they closed the ice fishing because of water level.
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Yes, it is creek fed; however, just as is done at 24 mile, the canal company has the ability to divert the creek into the river and not into the lake. I haven't been by in awhile to see if they have diverted the creek back into the lake. I was hoping that they have diverted the creek back into the lake. The Portneuf off of the reservation doesn't do much to refill the lake. Unless we receive way above normal moisture, Chesterfield will not come close to filling; hence my wishful thinking about closing the lake for ice fishing.
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You are right. Toponce Creek gets diverted and in the fall they let it flow back into Chesterfield. A number of years ago when Chesterfield got fatally low it was suggested by concerned anglers to close it to ice fishing that following winter. The IDFG loudly rejected that idea. It boils down to the IDFG doesn't give a damn about the trophy potential of Chesterfield, only that it provides recreational opportunities. In their eyes mediocre fishing still sells licenses, closing a place to ice fishing does not.
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Chesterfield a Trophy fish'in place? Kinda, funny the fish just keep coming back. I guess they "The fish spawn on the Native American side". Make it like Daniels. Or, be a Big Person and fish the Blue. Chesterfield is what it is. Fat fish and tell all your friends. Or, they think its secret spot.
Ice On.
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Bet you wouldnt like it if the fg closed it in the summer and opend it in the winter
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That is what they should do . There is no lake that is ice fishing only ! The only time I fish it is through the ice .
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Me to and I garenty more fish are killed in open water then through the ice
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Im all.for it becoming troughy waters I just wish all these people complaining would do some real research instead of talking out their butts
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I agree , every lake has more fish killed in open water . At Henry's lake there are more fish killed on Memorial weekend . Then on the entire ice fishing season .There are fly fishing only waters . There are artificial only fishing waters . I think it is time for an ice fishing only waters .
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Most of you have misinterpreted my post. My concern is for the entire Chesterfield fishery. I have nothing against ice fishing. So it wouldn't bother me if the lake were closed to fishing for an entire year, for it will not have enough water this year to fill which affects the entire fishery. But that doesn't sell fishing licenses. How about a two fish limit? Or a slot limit?
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It already has a 2 fish limit !
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True, but most people think that means catch two, take them to the cooler, and catch two more.
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Also, why doesn't FishnGame plant cuts in Chesterfield like they do in 24 mile or Hawkins?
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The last thing we need is more Cutthroughts in Idaho . Every other spieces of fish is superior . Just because they are native to the state does not mean we should bow down to them .
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R u native? Lol
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[quote Fishnskiidaho]Also, why doesn't FishnGame plant cuts in Chesterfield like they do in 24 mile or Hawkins?[/quote]Because most people like fish that grow big and fight hard, like rainbows.
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Yes born in Idaho Falls . 1951 . Worked 43 in the same plant in Shelley . Retired and loving it .
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I would say that it USE to be a Trophy lake. Very much so. Not unusual to hook a 26" plus trout. Even the first time a local took me there.
But you all fail to realize the amount of "lurkers" that can read this forum.
I do believe BFT has made a big impact on the lakes out there. Most forums are not as free with total information .....for a reason.
It is called helping, but in my opinion it goes over the top on many cases with the Who, What, Where, When all answered. What on earth did we do before Forums????
Chesterfield does have a natural food source and is planted with a Kamloop strain. Maybe they just know how to add on the feed bag.
Nothing wrong with secret spots folks. Again, look at the numbers of people viewing these pages then remember back when you actually had to do leg work instead of finger work.
I sure miss the old days and the big fish. I even put them back for the next trip[cool]
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These low water years have been hard on Chesterfield. One of the main factors is the bird predation. At least 50 percent of our stocked fish there have ended up in the pelican and cormorant nests. Whereas only about 5 percent are harvested by anglers in open water. I seriously doubt that harvest by ice fishermen is going to be a problem.
Another problem is the chub population. When it grows, as it has been, they reduce the available food for the younger trout.
There have been both brown trout and cutthroats in Chesterfield. Both are still there in small numbers.