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Hobble Creek?
Hey folks, I had a question about Hobble Creek and the little boat ramp that goes into it.
I know that a lot of duck hunts will unload mud boats there and take the river down to the lake but I've never really noticed if people use it for fishing boats. I was wondering, is Hobble Creek deep enough that you could unload a 16' outboard, Tracker there and make it to the lake. I would imagine it is since those aluminum boats don't need very much water, especially if you're going slow, but I didn't want to find out the hard way if it's not possible.
Thanks for the help!
I believe the max size for launch is 14 Ft it's great for flat bottom boats but not for anything else.  I wouldn't launch anything over 14 my personal opinion.
You could possibly unload the boat, but the river access, to the lake, is extremely shallow with many rocks on the bottom. That is why the mud boat outboards, with surface drive, are used so much down there.
awesome, thanks for the help!

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