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Joe's Valley & Huntington Report..
Went to Joe's valley yesterday 10-24 Sunday.. well after pushing 6 to 8 inches of snow over the canyon road to get to Joe's Valley..we started fishing down by the boat ramp.. note it seams that the state is makeing a new boat ramp over on the east side of the lake.. but we were at the west ramp area.. stayed for 3 hrs not much going on i cought 3 smal splake 2 small cutt's and my buddy got skunked.. so we packed it up and headed out to try somewhere else..decided to
hit huntington on the way back over the canyon and did alot better there than Joe's valley..
started down by the dam and started throing gold spin-a-lures and hitting the tigers right away.. we were hitting one about evey 15 to 20 min.. biggest one was about 20" but we ended up hitting about 16 tigers and 1 small cutt..note my first cutt ever out of was snowing most the time at huntington so did not get to meny pic's but did get some when it was not snowing so hard..
what a great time fishing !! felt like ice fishing without the ice.. SOON THO VERY SOON!!!
dude on fish?
felt like ice fishing without the ice.. SOON THO VERY SOON!!!
dude on fish?
Ron [/reply]

I hope you are excited to ice-fish Huntington, and not Joe's Valley. Isn't Joe's Valley closed from Nov. 1st (next Monday) until the second Saturday in December (11th)?

don't get too excited...
How is the water level compared to last year at this time?

Thanks for the report fuzzy.
the water is very low at huntington right now!! hope it comes up some before ice up!! about 10 feet down from this time last year..
yeah i know that it's closed tell December 11th.. but the ice on Joe's Valley dont even get safe tell the end of december any way.if it dose at all.

dude on fish?
I was hoping that with all the summer rains, and with the latest rounds of storminess, that it would be up from last year. Hopefully it comes up a couple feet so there won't be a winter kill up there. That would be tragic. Do you think Cleveland will winter kill this year?
no i dont think cleveland will winter kill this year.. i think that the water users up there was useing huntington and Joe's valley water to fill up cleveland.. but looks like they got most the rivers at a minamum flow.. so they all should start going back up.. well all but E-lake it still has the hole in the bottom..

dude on fish?

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