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Catfish With Live bream or Cut bream, which is beastin?
Catfishing with Live bream or cut bream, which do you prefer?
Channel cats and blue cats (and all bullhead) - cut bait

Flathead catfish - live bait.
Good deal man thanks. keep spreadin the knowledge!
Hey muddy, my best channel cat ever,I was fishing for big bass with a big live brim,about 5"I couldn't beleive what was pulling back on my line,at first she pulled back harder than I pulled on her,faught like a shark,she even released a bunch of air from her bladder as she got near the surface,I ate her mmm,I cut out a bunch of 6ounce fillets,man catfish is so good,caught in the afternoon,way back I caught a 4lber around the same time,"different lake"I caught this albino channel cat with a live spotted tilapia[inline "13lb albino channel cat.JPG"] I released Pinky back to my buddies lake,buddy Chris,he calles it "Lake Christopher",... its actually lago mar,P.S.his dad caught a rainbow trout in this lake years ago,is that even possible?
Gratz paul thats is a lucky ass catch [Smile]. Ive never caught an albino, but too catch one that size is awesome.

Just wanted too throw in ive had good lucky on Beef stew meat.(raw)Had cut shad,
livers/gizzards, and stew meat at miss. river. Stew meat was getting the most attention.

When i get my new tld 15 i want throw a whole live perch out and let it sit. I would love that trophy 75 LBS.+ Cat.
good stuff,you know,I always been thinking of using a mouse for catfish,I know it sounds Sad,but hey[:p],after all cats like mice don't they,man what if you use a huge rat to catch that 75lber,man that'll be awesome,I still plan to take some mice one day to the glades and try them for bass,if I do I'll use a rubber band to hold the hook in place[Wink],good luck I hope you catch that world record cat,stew meat sounds good,if it wasn't raw,I'd end up eating my bait[Image: happy.gif][inline 007.JPG] This is my nephews limited eddition"south bend" rod that had broke in half,I fixed good enough to catch this,I used 20lb power pro,and a tica baitrunner, I think its the 2500,smallest they make..I saw the huge cat trying to get under a rock so I moved the boat out to deeper water,awesome day thanks!,heres my nephew[inline 005.JPG] I had been told not to take this albino before by a fisherman.This cat had a hole dug out in the lake at someones back yard,I had to wait for the people to go inside before I cast,I think it was their pet at some time in a fish tank,after I hooked it I slowly moved away from the house[Image: suspicious.gif]funny, the bigger cats I've caught have been in the early afternoon,I remeber catching a 4lber after school one day with some friends on a half of raw hotdog mmm,"you can eat that raw" lol.
Yea i would say a big white mouse would stand out in the water. He would probably give
off a good amount of action, for a few minutes atleast lol. I recently build a chum tube
out of 4 inch pvc. I would say chuming for a few hours than throw a white rat in, would probaly
attract something.
Sounds good, get some frozen mice and grind them up for the pvc chum pipe you made,if I were to try it I'd buy frozen mice,I'd hate to drown them,but if I could I'd run an airline down to him so I could use em as live bait[sly]. "Sometimes fishermen do what they must in order to land that trophy catch"Paulpro Knows fishing like Bo knows baseball

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