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Board of Fisheries to Consider Additional Area for 2004 Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery
In response to action taken during the December 2003 Bristol Bay Finfish meeting, the Board of Fisheries will deliberate proposal “C, …conducting a fishery in an additional area of Bristol Bay…,” during the February 15 – 26, 2004 meeting in Anchorage at the Westcoast International Inn.

Sockeye salmon forecast information provided to the board in December by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game indicates a 2004 return that could more than double recent years’ harvest levels.

Proposal C - General District Management Plan, expresses the intent of the board to give the department guidelines for conducting a fishery in an additional area of Bristol Bay to respond to the unusually high forecasted sockeye run returning to Bristol Bay in 2004. This management option will provide fishers and processors the greatest opportunity to maximize the size and quality of the harvest. Without board action, processors, plant workers, support industries, and communities will lose substantial economic opportunities.

For a copy of proposal C, you may access the board’s website at:

Before taking action on proposal C and the regularly-scheduled proposals, the board would like written comments and/or oral testimony on any effects the proposed changes may have on activities. After reviewing the proposal you may send written comments to:

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Boards Support Section
P.O. Box 25526
Juneau, AK 99802
FAX: 907-465-6094

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