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Trolling questions
These questions are like asking what truck your prefer, dodge, chevy or ford. Everyone will have an opinion and most will do things a little different but here is my opinion

[quote fly_fishing_nut]First off, I’m still a newbie to trolling. Bought a boat last year and still have a lot to learn. Here are my current questions.

1. What rod and reel do you recommend? I’m thinking about getting some level wind, line-counting reels but not sure which ones.
I like Okuma line counter reels, the cheapest ones the sell, I bought mine 15 years ago for $30 and have had no problems with them. I use those with mono only. My level wind reels that don't have line counters are used for lead core, as stated, you don't need to know how much line you are letting out with lead core line. Rods, for fishing for warm water fish like wipers, cats and big lake trout, I prefer a rod that is medium to medium heavy. For small trout and kokes I use a totally different setup but still use level wind reels, just smaller and I like light to ultra light rods, to help absorb the shock of the fish as they jump.[/#4040ff]

2. What line do you recommend? Mono, flourocarbon, braided, or lead core? I primarily fish Willard Bay but would like to be set up so I can try Bear Lake, Strawberry, Flamming Gorge, etc. Does a particular line work better for bottom bouncing and/or planner boards?
I use Big Game mono, in no smaller than 12 lb test and up to 15 lb test. I don't use braid, except lead core. I've never found a bad lead core line, so any you pick will be fine IMO but I try and buy it when it is on sale, if i can but lead core last a very long time, like 10 plus years, so you don't have to replace it often. I do not like braided line when using side planers, it is too slick and I've had the clip come loose when using it in the past, that is why I don't like braid.[/#4040ff]

3. Planner boards, any tips with using braided line so that it will pop out of the first clip when a fish hits but stay in the clip during chopping waves? Any planner board lessons learned would be greatly appreciated.

[#4040ff]I prefer Church brand side planers, the TX-6 Magnum Mini Planer Board is my favorite, because of it's small size, with less resistance but I never try and set them to come loose when the fish hit them. This is a lessons I learned when I first started using them, the board slides down to the fish and spooks them and they go nuts, causing the fish to be lost.[/#4040ff]

4. Do you all prefer clip on weights, weighted line, bottom bouncers with the wires or something else to target fish towards the bottom of Willard?

[#4040ff] I use them all in different situations. Bottom bouncers for going slow 1 mph or less. Snap weights when going faster 2 mph up to 3 mph, mainly on the rod that has a side planer on it, to get my lures deeper. Lead core for trolling deep, closer to the bottom and I run those rods straight out the back.[/#4040ff]

I’m sure that there are a lot of other questions that I don’t even know to ask. If you have something you have learned to get me started in the right direction I would appreciate the advice.[/quote]

Messages In This Thread
Trolling questions - by fly_fishing_nut - 07-07-2019, 02:59 PM
Re: [fly_fishing_nut] Trolling questions - by wiperhunter2 - 07-07-2019, 06:48 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Trolling questions - by muirco - 07-08-2019, 12:36 AM
Re: [kentofnsl] Trolling questions - by Fishhound - 07-08-2019, 01:19 AM
Re: [muirco] Trolling questions - by muirco - 07-07-2019, 09:10 PM

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