07-11-2019, 06:13 PM
After reading several "Willard is Dead" posts I still look a chance and loaded up the tube this morning. Hiked the west dike and was fishing by 7:30. Started out pretty good and stayed that way until I left at 11. Managed to catch my first slam of the summer. Fish count for the day was 7 or 8 kitties, a dozen SMB, a wiper and three or four crappies. All were caught within 20 feet of the rocks and all but a couple kitties on a red headed rat's ass. The cats that didn't eat my fly liked the oil stain flig tipped with a crawler that dragged along behind me. Seems a little early for crappies along the rocks. Usually it's the middle of August before I start seeing them. Yup Willard's dead.