06-16-2021, 02:33 PM
(06-16-2021, 04:26 AM)BYUHunter Wrote: I will contact the UWC and voice my frustration as well. I pay for enough taxes, license fees, registration, insurance, equipment, etc. that it is one more straw on the camel's back to show up to Strawberry and have them try to double charge me for facilities where half the bathrooms are closed, and the docks are in shambles. As if they don't make enough money scalping tackle for 2x what it's worth, and charging $800 for a 1/2 day guided adventure dunking power bait.
I shared the story before, but literally being boxed by a Utah Recreation Company employee's truck last year so that he could check for my payment slip, while I was in the process of turning down into the boat ramp, really boiled me over. I'm pretty sure unlawful detainment isn't in the terms of their contract.
Just some clarification on this issue. Strawberry Bay Marina, owned by the Phillips family, is completely separate that Utah Recreation who manages the campgrounds, day use area, and launching. If a person is going to the Marina store, cafe, or slips then by law, Utah Recreation cannot charge you a fee. This issue was fought in court years ago and resulted in a permanent injunction against the lease holder. Back then, it was AL&L. They were charging people a day use fee for people to access the Marina and their services. The Marina put an end to it. None of the fees paid for the campground, day use, or boat launching is received by Strawberry Bay Marina.