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improved Clinch knot
For tying larger items ( swivel, lures, etc.) I tie the cinch not just a little differently. The line always breaks above the knot before this knot fails. To tie it my way you double the line putting the loop through the eye. Then tie the knot normally using the doubled line. When you have cinched it up you can trim off the tag end and the little loop that is sticking out of the knot. This is a 100% knot and easy to tie.

Messages In This Thread
improved Clinch knot - by timberhall - 06-24-2010, 09:07 PM
Re: [timberhall] improved Clinch knot - by wilco5 - 06-24-2010, 09:10 PM
Re: [timberhall] improved Clinch knot - by nkunz - 06-25-2010, 12:22 AM

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