02-04-2011, 08:07 PM
made a quick run to DC this morning, pulled off at rainbow bay and started out about 50 feet from shore. At first I tried worms, powerbait and meal worms on an ice fly -1 hour no luck, moved closer to shore in some pre-drilled holes that were still open, about 20 feet from shore, no joy. Moved way out to the middle, again no luck. While I was drilling the holes out in the middle another fisherman came up to the holes that were closest to shore that I had just vacated and pulled out 2 nice rainbows almost back to back. [mad] Go Figure. . I moved back into my first drilled holes and put on a green tube jig/mealworm and dropped 12 feet and immediately missed a hit. No more after that, so I left at 11:30. Still beat being at work. Ice was about 10 inches, weather was nice, sun came out. i inch of snow on the ice.