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Catfish With Live bream or Cut bream, which is beastin?
Hey muddy, my best channel cat ever,I was fishing for big bass with a big live brim,about 5"I couldn't beleive what was pulling back on my line,at first she pulled back harder than I pulled on her,faught like a shark,she even released a bunch of air from her bladder as she got near the surface,I ate her mmm,I cut out a bunch of 6ounce fillets,man catfish is so good,caught in the afternoon,way back I caught a 4lber around the same time,"different lake"I caught this albino channel cat with a live spotted tilapia[inline "13lb albino channel cat.JPG"] I released Pinky back to my buddies lake,buddy Chris,he calles it "Lake Christopher",... its actually lago mar,P.S.his dad caught a rainbow trout in this lake years ago,is that even possible?

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Re: [muddy_waters32] Catfish With Live bream or Cut bream, which is beastin? - by Paulpro - 11-19-2011, 05:17 PM

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