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yuba pike trip 1/11/14
We just used straight 8# and 10# mono. We each had one bite-off, which is better than Ron said he did last week. We were pretty diligent about setting the hook quickly as well. If you let them take it down deep, you're screwed. You can use a wire leader, but you'll only catch pike.
There's some bigger perch left as well as a few walleye. If you want a whack at those, stay away from the wire/cable. When Ron's big one hit the ice, the leader parted under very little pressure. He was very close to losing it.

Messages In This Thread
yuba pike trip 1/11/14 - by fuzzyfisher - 01-12-2014, 02:30 AM
Re: [boatfisher] yuba pike trip 1/11/14 - by JustJim - 01-12-2014, 05:24 PM

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