12-04-2016, 04:29 PM
It was a bit sketchy for us yesterday at Stanley's. Maybe 1-2 inches of solid ice with slush covering the whole thing. We caught four fish and missed four other hits. There were probably 50 people there. At about 10 a guy started sinking in his chair and went through the ice. He luckily roled out of It just in time to only get a little wet. We saw a lot of fish get caught. The four we caught ranged from 3-6 pounds. Beautiful fish that's for sure. We just got our ice auger from the shop for a tune up and it wasn't tuned up it was made worse. The two inches of ice took me about 30 minutes to make 10 holes and that took us away from proper fishing time and also we didn't go out far enough and fished super shallow. Like 4 feet of water to six feet. Since the ice auger didn't work I didnt feel like moving spots. All of our bites were in the deeper 6 foot spots about four feet down was all. We caught fish with white paddle bugs tipped with meal worms.