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Maple syrup making
Strait from maples , just about any kind will do but the sugar maple has the highest sugar content and requires less boiling down .
You don't add sugar at all , it's strait sap boiled down into syrup .
We do this just as a hobby , the syrup finds it's way to the and mine .
When we have a big camping get together , our sap is on the breakfast table .
At deercamp , the same thing there also but we also make a mean sweet sap whiskey for the evening B.S. festivity's .
Our Deercamp is a lot like the one in the movie Escanaba in the moonlight, I'd be the Jimmer , LOL !!!

Drill the tap hole 3 feet high on the south side of the tree (over a root) about 1-1/4 inches in on a slight upward angle . insert your tap , connect a hose to your bucket and wait until it fills up . 40 gallons of sap equals one gallon of syrup when boiled down .

Messages In This Thread
Maple syrup making - by lonehunter - 03-06-2016, 12:10 AM
Re: [wiperhunter2] Maple syrup making - by lonehunter - 03-31-2016, 08:21 PM

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