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What is your favorite weather to wade?
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]With reference to this relentant heat it presents another question in the form of a poll:[/size][/green][/font]
Fall and Winter, basically cause the rivers are not as packed with people.
i like spring,fall and winter
[cool] Water temp is what makes the difference for me.
In Washington state, during the hot weather I could wade with just my tennis shoes and blue jeans.
But in Alaska we always needed the good 5 mil Neopremes.

The outside Temp when your wearing those Neopremes is a factor.
A guy could cook inside those Cabela's Waders.

My favorite fishing weather is cool n' drizzely![Wink]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I have a pair of Simms waders. While I might be sweating like hell above the chest area the Gore-Tex material does a good job of wicking the sweat on the lower parts of my bod.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Hey there Thudpucker when I lived in Woodinville never did find the water warm enough to skinny dip.[Wink][/size][/#008000][/font]
[sly] Oh yeah, it was too.
We waded the upper Snoqualimie a lot.
I also walked up to some hi lakes above North Bend. That was Chilly.
But the Upper Snoqualimie was my favorite.

Lot's of rivers in Eastern Washington and British Columbia were good too.

Lordy I wish I still lived up there for the Wood's n' Waters. But it's just too well packed with people now.

Fly fishing in Lake Lenice, Chopaka, Dry Falls and Upper end of Jameson lake were my piticular favorites.

Like shooting fish in a Barrell in those lakes.
[size 1]Fly fishing in Lake Lenice, Chopaka, Dry Falls and Upper end of Jameson lake were my piticular favorites. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
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[font "Modern"][black]Boy, I didn't understand a dang thing you just said.[cool][/black][/font]
[Smile]LOL, those were the names of some lakes in Eastern Washington.
All but Chopaka were refered to as "The Seep's" because they appeared as the water level rose after the Grand Coulee dam was finished.
Chopaka was a High impound that they planted Atlantic Salmon, and made it catch and release, fly fishing only.

Washington has some really unusual native names.
SWEET! I bet you do miss it. They planted Kamloop at the Lodge and those guys are already getting HUGE! Maybe they will get STEELHEAD size
[cool] Kamloops do get big. They are in Washington somewhere as well.
We fished Heffly lake up in BC. They had some whoppers in there too.
I'm not sure if they were the Kamloops variety though.

Steelhead on a Fly is a myth! Something created by Les Davis to sell fishing gear.
How many days on the Skagit and Skykomish, Clatsop and down at the foot of Mt St. Helens, with Ice in my Rod eyes, and no fish......[crazy]
Naw, there aint no such animal![mad]
[size 1]Steelhead on a Fly is a myth! Something created by Les Davis to sell fishing gear. [/size]

I will let you know the first part of next year. Going to try Steelheading.
[cool] Drift boat's the best of the best!
There are some gravel bar's you can only reach by Drift Boat.
What rivers are you going to fish?

You can expect some Frog Strangeling rains out on the coast. Closer to the big cities there'll be crowds.
Hard to fly fish in a crowd of Malevolent Hardware handlers.

I know you'll do well. We expect some good tales (tails?) from the Steelhead capital of the Free world.[sly]
Probably be more North/western Idaho. Got family up there plus thinking about buying a house around the Boise area.

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