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[size 1]The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has placed a temporary ban on the transportation of live fish from Lake Erie and its tributary waters inland.

PFBC Executive Director Doug Austen signed an order this morning making itunlawful to transport or cause the transport of live fish out of thePennsylvania portion of the Lake Erie watershed. Waters included in thePennsylvania portion of the Lake Erie watershed are Twentymile Creek,Orchard Beach Run, Sixteenmile Creek, Twelvemile Creek, EightmileCreek, Sevenmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, Fourmile Creek, Mill Creek,Cascade Creek, Walnut Creek, Trout Run, Godfrey Run, Elk Creek, CrookedCreek, Raccoon Creek, Turkey Creek, Conneaut Creek, Ashtabula Creek andtheir tributaries.

The Executive Director has found thatthis action is necessary and appropriate for the protection,preservation and management of fish. The intent of the ban is to helpreduce the potential spread of exotic fish species and fish diseasesfound in the Great Lakes to the state's inland waters.

Thetemporary ban goes into effect immediately and will remain in placeuntil January 1, 2008. The Commission, under a separate notice of proposed rulemaking,will seek public comments on a permanent change to the Commission'sfishing regulations. A vote on adopting a permanent regulation isexpected later this year. [/size]
transporting any live game fish with out a permit in the state of michigan is now banned.

so be careful that you turn your live wells airators off, better yet pull the fish from the live well and put them on ice in a cooler....

I dont know what the fines are, but I emagine I dont want to find out the hard way....
[black][size 3]In our state it is also against the law to transport live fish. I think more and more states are moving in that direction. [/size][/black]
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[size 3]BTW Dave - have you hit the ice yet ?[/size]
I brought a earlier post up top , but the story that went with one of the replys was concerning minnows .
some of these little fellas aren't from the lakes they will be fishing , so , what's the story on using them ?[crazy]
You can catch and use minnows on the same lake, but you can not transport them to another lake.

that has been a law for a long time. It was stipulated in the guide at one time, this new rule probably includes any fish that is live and transported to another lake requires a permit. It would make sence...
I hit the lake every day this week.
here is a picture todays fishing conditions, right behind that white wall is a big lake.

[center][url ""][Image: White_Out_100_yards_2.jpg][/url][/center]

I picked up a limit combination of gills and crappie dispite sub freezing temps wind snow and funeral of yet another one of my ice fishing buddies.
I clicked on the pic to get the large version , Yep , that's a good white-out !
We're getting the same up here . I couldn't see past my windsheild during the ride home from work today , I haven't experianced something like that since 98' .
Really sorry to hear another pal has left the ice a little less like home . It's great getting out for the winter ritual and seeing familiar faces , stop and chat with them a bit and then trudge on twards your spot , waving or stopping to say hello to a newbie along the way .
But when your pal has gone the walk takes a little longer , ya' stop at the same spot he used to sit , you look around and you remember the times and talks you shared .
During those moments you show the greates honor a frend can have , you remembered him just being himself .
One day many , many years from now , I hope we get one of those newbies pausing at our spots on the lake for a moment or two .

I'm pretty shure in your case though they will build a small memorial out on the ice . A five gallon bucket and a cup of Dunkin' Donuts' coffee sitting right beside it .
Yes sir , now that will be something .
I can see my neighbors now,

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead....

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