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Willard's Warmin' Up...4/29/08
[cool][#0000ff]I figured a couple of warm days might get something moving on Willard. It did. Catfish, midges and terns...eating midges.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Tried my new baby stroller cart design to trudge my tubin' goodies to the water in the NE corner, after parking in the campground. Worked great, fully loaded, coming and going across weeds, rocks, loose sand and mud.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Parked about 6. Air temp 43. Dead flat calm. The lake was a sheet of glass. Only a few carpkind broke the surface. Hit the water about 6:45. Hiked all the way around to the edge of a gravel bar. Water temp in close 44. Quickly climbed to 47 away from shore. Lookin' better.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Worked plastics and cranks as I moved out into deeper water. When I reached about 8 feet, I tossed out a minnow to drag behind the tube while I continued to play with plastic. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Within seconds of the minnow reaching bottom the line popped from my catch and line streamed from the reel. Heavy fish. Hoped it was a wiper but it turned out to be my first and biggest kitty of the day. Just over 23 inches...and a fatty.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That was the beginning of a real catfest. From 8 to 10 feet of water I was bit as fast as I could sail out a bait. Went through over 2 dozen minnows and only missed about 1 or 2 "inquiries". Also caught a few on crawlers and a couple on jigs...when I had time to throw them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I could have had a limit within a half hour, but tossed most of them back. I did keep a couple of 18 and 19 inchers and a couple of 16/17s. I quit putting any in the basket when I had 7, thinking I could always fill out on the way back in. NOT.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I put up the bait and started working hard for wipers. Finally had a BANG/ZING on a blue and silver holo crankbait. I was just a spectator for about 10 yards of line and then the inexperienced fish let go of the lure.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Got a lot of exercise for the next hour or so, but never had another nudge on any kind of artificial. The breeze began to pick up from the west and I was just about overfunned anyway. So, I let the breeze blow me straight back to my intended take out spot. Sweet. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I dragged bait on the way back in but the kitties had decided that I was no fun to play with anymore. Amazing that I could not get even a pop and drop for the last half hour, fishing the same area that had been nonstop cat action earlier.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My heart started pumping as I watched some terns diving over the water between me and shore. I watched for the splashes of feeding wipers, but did not see anything. Some terns were sitting idly on shore. If there was a REAL boil, they would be all over it. The terns that were diving and weaving were snarfing up a new hatch of midges. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh joy, it's that time of year again. I ate enough midges while trudging back to my vehicle that I didn't need to stop for lunch. Did take a couple of Pepsi's to wash them down though.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp had climbed to 55 as I neared my exit spot. Won't be long now.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I decided to put my new little stroller cart to the test. In addition to all the gear I brought down, I added the basket with 7 catfish to the load for the return. The cart held up better than I did. I'm gettin' too old for that stuff. NOT.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Stopped by the fish cleaning station for a catfish weight loss program. Bummer. Still not open.[/#0000ff]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]As always, Pat, I love your fishing reports. Unlike me your's are "catching" reports.

I'm thinking that 57-60 is the magic water temp for them wipers and I can't hardly wait.
Great report and pictures--as always!! I wish I had been with you. I am "aching" to get a line in the water. In fact, I think I am going fishing somewhere tomorrow. I have been so busy with all of the "red tape" involved with leaving good old BYU that I haven't had time to do anything else. Things are going to change quickly now though!

I guess you made that cart you used to haul your tube around. I am really impressed! Have you published the plans? If so, I would like a copy. If not, I will study the finished product myself when we go fishing again.

[cool][#0000ff]Thanks Lloyd. Let me know when you have cut loose the final shackles.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the cart, I will be posting a "how to" report on the tubing board. You know me. I took pictures every step of the way and I was waiting for the final checkout trudge before I posted anything.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am also working on another one with some little 10" pneumatic wheels I got at Harbor Freight for less than $4 apiece. Still messin' with the design.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hit Jordanelle...Rock Cliff. And the wind will be kicking up so fish early. But, I forgot, you would rather NOT catch walleye at Deer Creek than fish somewhere else where there are no walleye.[/#0000ff]
As usual it is apleasure to read your reports Pat. I am looking forward to getting out to Willard soon. It has been a long while for me.
Thanks for the pics.
[cool][#0000ff]As I recall, you chuck it from the bank mostly. Shoot me a PM and I will give you a couple of spots I found deeper water within easy casting range. That is hard to find these days.[/#0000ff]
great report and pictures as always TD. can't wait till i get some time for some fishing. hopefully soon. thanks for sharing. [cool]
Way to go Pat,

I can hardly wait to hit Willard and try for some cats and wipers.
Won't be for a couple of weeks due to some other commitments.
Strong work sir Patrick, been wondering if you were ever gonna get out and fish again[:p]
[cool][#0000ff]Well, I have not had the same time of time constraints that you have, but I have managed to keep myself "out of action" for about 3 weeks. That is WAAAAAAAY too long for this kid.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hopefully I will soon make up for the down time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]How are you doing with the new abode? About ready to get your 'toon wet again...if it has not disintegrated from disuse?[/#0000ff]
I think my toon wouldn't know what to do if I tried to put it in the water! Of course I better take it on a couple of test runs out to Willard (it will be nice being only 10 minutes from the So Marina) to shake out all the bugs and figure out how to fish again![Wink]
Good job Pat I am glad someone caught some fish this weekend.
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Matt, I bet even YOU could have caught at least one kitty while they were on the prowl. I couldn't even fish with more than one rod...had doubles a couple of times. And, I could not even rerig between bites. If I had to retie a hook it took me several "inquiries" to get back to retieing on another rod.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Then again, if you had showed up the fish might have been laughing so hard they wouldn't bite.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry Bro. Low shot.[/#0000ff]
Very good to hear it is "happening" out there now Pat. I am getting very excited. Thanks for the report.[Smile]
[cool][#0000ff]One thing I forgot to mention is that the water was pretty clean...several feet of visibility. Put that together with some warm days and the wipers will be "trollable" soon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All ya gotta do is find them. Piece of pie. Right?[/#0000ff]
Nice report! I love reading your posts, they put a [Smile] on my face. How was the water level? Any deeper in the channel for boat launching?
[#0000ff]I did not launch at the ramp this time but the water level is almost exactly the same as it was two weeks ago. I Fished the NE corner and my "marks" along the shoreline are the same as they have been for awhile. The outflow drain is still above water so they are not letting any out. There is not much coming in the inlet at the South Marina, but there are several little trickles that come into the lake at three or four points around the north marina...from springs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In short, it is about 4 feet at the ramp (if you stay on the far west concrete). It shallows fast to the east. Quickly drops to 6-7 feet in the channel and shallows up to a 3-4 feet ridge (hump) just past the big barrel on the south shoreline. Stay in the middle of the channel and go straight out...keeping the channel right behind the motor...for at least a quarter mile. Then you can go just about anywhere but back toward shore on either side. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Plenty of water for even a pretty big boat right now. But, if the water users don't let any water into the inlet channel, you will only be able to launch a wheeler by July.[/#0000ff]
I enjoyed you trip and photos![Wink]

Where can I get a Big Fish Decal like yours?
Nice report I guess I will have to put Willard on my list of lakes to fish in the next two weeks...
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks. Glad you liked it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Do you want some BFT stickers? Send me a PM with your mailing address.[/#0000ff]

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