02-10-2011, 03:57 PM
What a long day.. Left my house at 330 am and returned at 1000 pm.. I couldn't see if the whole lake was capped yet.. The sun wasn't up yet.. I could see the fog raising in the middle of the lake due to the temps being -8. Open water i would guess.. So we headed south looking for the ice.. Sun came up there it was..[] I would say south of the rock pile.. It didn't look to safe.. But couldnt be sure.. We drove around to the pump house and headed out.. Clear solid ice.. 4 inches.. Pucker factor 8.. Only because of the popping,cracking & moving.. But i know that means its growing.. We headed out about 200 yrds.. Take your cleats.. We used tubes,kastmasters,krocks,spoons & every thing we had.. Pearl tubes and silver kastmasters tipped with cisco worked the best.. We ended up with 18 cutts.. No lakers.. 1 guy to the south of us did ice a 10lb laker.. We took 3 for dinner.. Not a lot of fish coming threw.. Fished from 25' to 90'.. 60' was the ticket.. There were groups of fishermen at 1st point north to 2 point.. I couldn't see how far the ice continued north and we didn't get off the ice till after dark.. Not sure how long the ice will be there.. looks like warmer temps this week end..
be safe & good luck
be safe & good luck
Pack it in