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Lake Powell (wahweap) Memorial Day Weekend
Went and stayed on a houseboat in Wahweap marina over memorial day. Got there Thursday night and left Monday afternoon.

Water temps were ranging from mid to upper 60's depending on where I was. Water levels are higher now than I have seen them in years. The water was more cloudy and had more debris than usual.

I had a bunch of family with me so everyone wanted to hit the stripers hard. We made fish tacos for lunch on Saturday and they were tasty. We caught small stripers and some around 3-4 lbs. We mostly fished near the dam or along walls further up the lake. We fished with anchovies or plastic grubs. I filleted around 75 fish for family and friends to take home. Time for an electric knife.

I also snuck away for a few hours of smallmouth fishing and killed it with a ned rig. I didn't manage anything of significant size, but still fun to smallmouth fish. No walleye or crappie like previous trips, didn't have much time to fish for them.
Nice! I miss L.P. it's been red hot this year!!
Thanks for the report. T-Minus 9 days and counting and I will be right where you were!

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