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Standings 2019 Cat Contest
Ok, here is the update as of 3-24, if I've missed some of your fish or made a mistake, please PM me and I'll try to get it fixed...

[#0000bf]Now for the fun Part...... Ben, (IceSled) yes team south now has the biggest fish on the board... 30.5" officially, but it was even bigger than that, almost 31" and fat as can be... Great job Ben...[/#0000bf]
[#00bf00]John still leads the whole contest as usual and is just verily short of the 90 point mark that few cross each year... Probably one of the fastest times to that mark that I remember...[/#00bf00]
[#8000ff]Team south leads the team competition by a whopping 4" per fish, or 40 points.... That's a lot in this competition, but the ice just cleared up north, so hang on boys, the north is ready to start retaliating... May the best team win... Now is when things will start to get fun and wild, watch out for a crazy April and May... [/#8000ff]
[#ff0000]Here is the results as I have them... let me know if I've missed something... Later J[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][inline catcon32419.PNG][/#ff0000]

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Standings 2019 Cat Contest - by SkunkedAgain - 03-05-2019, 10:08 PM
Re: [Piscophilic] Standings 2019 Cat Contest - by SkunkedAgain - 03-25-2019, 03:02 AM

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