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How To Catch Blue Catfish In Rivers - Tips & Techniques
We hope everyone is staying safe & healthy during these difficult times!

On a brighter side we were able to get outside and do a little blue catfish river fishing! This video is meant to be a tutorial for those that are new to catfishing or even new to fishing overall. We walk you through how to catch bait (we are using cut shad - definitely my favorite cut bait for blue catfish), the rig we use, how to find good spots to fish in rivers and then finally putting it all together and catching some cats.

Feel free to ask any questions! Again hope everyone is safe and has some plans to do some fishing in the near future!

But, we don't have blue cats in Utah.  We do have some blue phase Channel Cats, but no Blues, no Flatheads, no ........

Still, always some techniques that will work for both
Nice video and good information.  Sure wish that we had flathead and blue catfish here in Utah.
Posted same video and same description to a "T" on another forum think he's looking for views

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