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How do you catch Browns through the ice?
I was just sitting here thinking out of all the years I have ice fished(20+) and I have NEVER caught a Brown. I see lunkerhunter2's monster brown (great fish) and was wondering how do you guys catch these fish? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. [Smile]
Hey FishinFool53.
Last time I caught a Brown, I caught it right in the corner of the mouth with my hook ?
So I would use a pole & a hook with some bait ?[laugh]
But normally they will take just about anything,
you just have to be in the right place at the right time,
I caught them on power bait, dead minnows, same thing as bows and tagers cuts, ( Fish the inlets) [Wink]
Thank you for the response. I was just thinking that it is weird that I haven't even caught one by accident. I'll have to try that pole and hook with some bait next time. LOL
That was a good one [Wink][laugh]lol
Most all of the browns I've caught through the ice has been by the inlets 10' to 40' they seem to like the inlets in the winter and closer to shore
Remember Browns like cover!!!!! they like to ambush there pray[Wink] so in the fall /winter/spring stay closer to shore for the Big BROWNs

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