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East canyon 1/22
Hit the lake at 7:20 hiked out to a spot in 17ft of water and passed by three people at about 10ft and they were killing them. first drop and a hit, figured it was going to be great. fish were on the very bottom and would come up to about 14ft really quick.
The bite died off at 10 or so and almost nothing on the showdown till noon. I tried everything i had and they just looked no bite except for the blue tube jig. Then i remembered i bought some Gulp Alive 1" minnows, stuck one on a green ratfinkie and POW!! I am sold on these now. from 8-12 i iced 7 bows(missed alot more) and from 12-3 another 11 on the Gulp and 1 one the blue tube jig.
The edges walking back were really soft tried multiple spots and finally fell through in a foot of water. the one time I had my low cut boots on. They are waterproof for sure, not one drop of water leaked out of them![frown]COOOOOLD
I've thought about trying those about 3 times now, but just never did. What color minnow did you use?
what part of the lake were you fishing if you dont mind telling
I used the bright green with a white belly.
I fished on the east side. There is a small cove between the bay next to the marina and the big bay on the east side, I was just off the south point of that little cove.
Hey Q_Ball,

Thanks for the info. I fished Panguitch lake last weekend and did really well with the Southern Pro rainbow minnow jig tipped with wax worm.

MT17 is the one. Its kinda of a cross between a minnow and a tub jig, but they seemed to really like it. I had a white tube jib and a green tub jib on my kids, but all they wanted was this one minnow jig.

I'm going to try them up at Strawberry and East canyon the next time I go, and am going to try those Gulp Alive minnows too. Never know what combination turns them on!

Thanks again for the info...

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