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Marvy Mayday Morning 5-1-15
Too funny-- you should do it! Idjits! Maybe that could be the title of your book.
I always like fishing during the day with a new moon. My theory is that they aren't feeding all night under a full moon so they have to eat during the day. I like sleeping when the full moon is out. Never gave night fishing much effort but the little I have done hasn't been too productive. Although I know others have my experience has been likewise.
The recent and only report I have seen was the guy catching em within casting distance of shore in his tube. Seems like he did quite well. I agree though, when the water warms up some it should be better fishing. If I go week after a next I'll give you a heads up and see if you are up for it.
[#0000FF]I can't remember the last time I went night fishing. Heck, I can't remember a lot of things. Way past my bedtime is not conducive to fun fishing anymore. But I used ter really do some damage on full moon in June walleyes. And during the hot summer a lot of species feed at night more than during the day.

Have your peeps keep in touch with my peeps and let's try for a meetup for Starvy about mid month. If we can get a few more degrees of warmth in the water and if Mama Nature gets back on her meds we just might have a shot at it.

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