Get Outdoors Florida!
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Coined by Richard Louv in the book Last Child in the Wood, nature deficit disorder refers to the growing disconnect between people and the outdoors.
To address these concerns over the disconnect, the “Get Outdoors Florida!” coalition is bringing together highly energized staff from state and federal conservation and land-management agencies, state and county health organizations, non-government organizations dealing with youth, conservation education or health organizations, universities, and commercial businesses. The coalition’s mission is “Engaging communities, families and individuals in outdoor experiences to achieve healthier lifestyles and sustain Florida’s natural resources.”
more. Meanwhile, daily participation in school physical education programs dropped from 42 percent in 1991 to 33 percent in 2005. Studies also demonstrate that children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours per day with electronic media. For young kids, every hour of extra TV increases the likelihood of their developing attention-deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by age 7, by 10 percent. Remaining in modern, sealed buildings all day also increases the prevalence of allergies and asthma because of molds, mildews and allergens that aren’t “aired out.”
Studies have clearly demonstrated that children who spend time outdoors perform better academically, play more creatively, have less stress, and are more imaginative. In addition, they experience fewer symptoms of ADHD, have healthier immune systems and develop a greater respect for themselves, others and nature than their peers who do not recreate outside.