I'm looking for a lake maps app for my phone that shows contour of the lake bottoms ,I know of. Some but they aren't showing what I'm looking for.
What are you looking for specifically? Better contours? Precise contours that match current depth? Contours for specific small lakes? I know the navionics maps on tablet had to be corrected 15ft at the gorge compared to what the fish finder said. It was pretty consistent across the contour ranges. You get what you pay for though.
this one cost $49 free for two week
free on your PC
Chart more detail in AutoChart Live with Vegetation and Bottom Hardness mapping; Follow contours
In addition to depth contour mapping found within AutoChart Live, you will now be able to map added layers for an enhanced fishing experience.
Bottom Hardness - Now the detail goes deeper. AutoChart Live uses sonar to measure and chart bottom hardness, tipping you off to likely hot spots.
Vegetation- The weed line can no longer hide. With help from your sonar beam, AutoChartLive can now instantly map weeds, brush and other vegetation.
humminbird just came out with this, have not tried it yet but you need a humminbird fish finder with auto chart live and it takes some time to make your own map