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Fishing Gear, Gadgets, Techinques, Tactics &Tips

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  1. I discovered three soft plastic creations that catch fish of ALL species (7 Replies)
  2. cone tail does well (3 Replies)
  3. 360 sonar (2 Replies)
  4. Berkeley Nanofil WANTED (1 Reply)
  5. Rigger weights (3 Replies)
  6. Best Downrigger to use / own (1 Reply)
  7. Extreme high line recovery reel. (5 Replies)
  8. Electric ice auger options (0 Replies)
  9. red maggots? (13 Replies)
  10. reel clamps (0 Replies)
  11. Fishing Rod Repairs? (4 Replies)
  12. Gasoline and braided line (7 Replies)
  13. 561 Sonar Help (4 Replies)
  14. Underwater camera input (20 Replies)
  15. dried out power bait (8 Replies)
  16. Colored Hooks (5 Replies)
  17. Planer board Question (23 Replies)
  18. Lithium Battery’s (21 Replies)
  19. Electric fillet knives? (23 Replies)
  20. Looking for a Cannon Low Profile Swivel Base (8 Replies)
  21. Chamberlain Downrigger Releases (12 Replies)
  22. planer board mast reel (11 Replies)
  23. Ice Auger blade resharpening/exchange near Utah (5 Replies)
  24. Best online stores to buy Lowrance fishing electronics? (6 Replies)
  25. Working with wire (18 Replies)
  26. Helix software update (15 Replies)
  27. Nils auger (14 Replies)
  28. Best ice auger SHAFT for use with a cordless drill? (21 Replies)
  29. inline reel (16 Replies)
  30. Sled repairs (5 Replies)
  31. FLIGS (2 Replies)
  32. Towing my sled with a snowmobile. (19 Replies)
  33. Ice fly tying? (3 Replies)
  34. No signal vexilar 8se fixed!!! (2 Replies)
  35. Making Spinning Lures...VIDEO (7 Replies)
  36. Navionics discrepancies (7 Replies)
  37. Make your own jigs...Video (25 Replies)
  38. Which ice cleats? (9 Replies)
  39. Ice fishing Drills (19 Replies)
  40. Ice auger? (32 Replies)
  41. Cadence Elate reel turning slowly (0 Replies)
  42. PSA - Nils Auger Sharpening (7 Replies)
  43. Electric knife filleting video (13 Replies)
  44. Cane fly rod restoral (10 Replies)
  45. Velocity Rod Comments (2 Replies)
  46. Gradually Gearing up for Kokes (2 Replies)
  47. Electric Downrigger Bounce (2 Replies)
  48. Beads for Lure Making (2 Replies)
  49. Help, Lost my link to the Wind App (14 Replies)
  50. Helix First Use Report (11 Replies)
  51. Black mtn fishing rods? (10 Replies)
  52. Troll Master, any body have one ?? (9 Replies)
  53. Helix 10 Chirp MSI+ G3N (1 Reply)
  54. New Garmin Striker Plus 4cv- no depth reading. (15 Replies)
  55. My new fish finder (16 Replies)
  56. Livescope VS Active Target / IN-DEPTH On Ice Comparison (5 Replies)
  57. Let's talk hand augers (16 Replies)
  58. Ice anchor drill adapter? (7 Replies)
  59. Mesh Tube for holding soft bait within lure / lure making. (8 Replies)
  60. Re-Painting old Spoons (11 Replies)
  61. My new snow machine (21 Replies)
  62. Open water fishing tips? (2 Replies)
  63. Snowdog @ Hardware Ranch FYI (1 Reply)
  64. Navionics app. (18 Replies)
  65. SnowDog Travel Cover (3 Replies)
  66. Electronic Lure Retriever Survey (0 Replies)
  67. Fish Finder Wars (1 Reply)
  68. Vacuum Sealer for Fish & Game (2 Replies)
  69. 7' pontoon bladder (9 Replies)
  70. Ordering from Whisker Seekers (4 Replies)
  71. whats your favoret wiper color of lures? (9 Replies)
  72. My new $4000 Garmin liveScope (8 Replies)
  73. Speaking of auger drill choices . . . (28 Replies)
  74. Livescope vs. Panoptix - What's the difference?? (9 Replies)
  75. Snare spoon (7 Replies)
  76. K-Drill Question (3 Replies)
  77. Showdown 5.6? (15 Replies)
  78. Fishing maps (3 Replies)
  79. Aqua-vu 715 c (4 Replies)
  80. Tip Up Ignorance (3 Replies)
  81. Let's talk (ice) fishingline (10 Replies)
  82. K-Drill (24 Replies)
  83. Brought home a new Dog. (22 Replies)
  84. Flasher Batteries - Can anyone explain them? (8 Replies)
  85. Garmin Panoptix Livescope (10 Replies)
  86. DIY Kokanee Dodgers (Thanks to LikeTrolling) (8 Replies)
  87. Side Imaging thoughts (24 Replies)
  88. Contour Map Help (8 Replies)
  89. FLIG-onometry (21 Replies)
  90. Garmin DIY Contour Maps (11 Replies)
  91. Idea for building my first custom rod (5 Replies)
  92. What is your favorite line for kokanee trolling? (12 Replies)
  93. Down Rigger weights (12 Replies)
  94. Big Board Releases Preferences (3 Replies)
  95. Downrigger recommendations (12 Replies)
  96. Side imaging on sonar (11 Replies)
  97. Circle hooks? (9 Replies)
  98. Speaking of Planer Boards (10 Replies)
  99. Braid (18 Replies)
  100. Navonics (24 Replies)
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