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Full Version: Marcum Lx7 vs. Marcum Lx7li
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I'm looking at both these models. The Lx7li is brand new and has a lithium battery system. Does anyone have any opinions on these models and if the new one would be worth the difference in cost?


I'm sure it's nicer to have a lithium battery, but the one that the LX7 came with (for me) has been more than enough to fish all day.

I don't know that the cost of the Lx7LI is worth it. The charging capabilities for other devices may be nice if you needed them, but I already have ways to charge other devices.

just my opinion.

I have 2 Marcums. The LX 5 and the LX7, and my favorite is still the LX5......
just bought the lithium shuttle for my lx7. always had issues with batteries dying on long days on the ice. if you can swing the extra for the LI i would recommend it. if youre fishing longer the 6-8 hours straight you'll want the extra battery power. there is days when i spend 10-14 hours on the ice and multiple days in a row and sometimes with out being able to recharge batteries. i would have to take spare batteries. hoping with the new battery that will change. its a great upgrade to the lx7, this should of been the original design.
I've had my LX-7 for three years now, and not one time has the battery been an issue. All day outings 6-8 hours have been no problem. Still have the original battery. I wouldn't pay the extra, but obviously, to each their own.
I figured I could buy a lot of batteries for $200 so I didn't think it was worth it to me... But I also have extra batteries for my phone too so the usb plug wasn't a need for me either... If it would have been within $60 I would have went for it but it's just too much extra for what ya get.. Just my take on the deal... Later J