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Has anybody done an ice carosel to do trolling? I saw a video on Facebook, then looked at some YouTube videos. It seems most of them are more North, like Michigan, Minnesota, and Finland. Maybe Utah ice doesn't get thick enough?
Welcome back, I have not seen a post from you in a very long time!
That's because I've been slackin' off, for a very long time! [laugh] LOL
Maybe you could enlighten me (or us) what 'ice trolling' is....tks....

I just looked up "ice fishing carousel" on YouTube.
I don't know if ice trolling is actually "a thing" in Utah... thats why I'm asking if you guys ever did it LOL
That's not "Ice trolling." That "carousel" would likely be illegal in Utah. You can only have a 12" hole on most waters, 18" on a few and bigger at Bear Lake if you're after cisco. Regardless it would be very dangerous for others after you left such a hole leaving other vulnerable to falling through the gap. Not a good idea.

Ice trolling is where you drill a series of holes in the ice, usually along a break line, weed line, or some other structure or cover element and systematically fish each hole for a few minutes trying to locate active fish. You may drill over 100 holes a day for this technique.
pretty sure it's not Legal in the state of Utah. there is a hole size limit on every lake in Utah. and cutting A 20 to 40 foot sized hole would not go over very well..
might be fun to try tho!