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Full Version: Provo Boat Harbor Today
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Got on the lake about 11am this morning. Had to go in to work for a while. Work keeps messing up my life. Necessary evil. Fishing was really hot for a while but slowed down about 1:30. Finished about 3pm. 12 cats caught but nothing over 27”. Invited 8 home for a fish fry. All caught on Scofield chub.
Thanks for the report and good on ya. How did the new boat work? What did you get anyway? Did you catch any fish in the harbor/channel?
It is a older model BlueFin. 18’, 115 Johnson, MinnKota 70# thrust 24volt. I am well pleased with it. I think it will serve me well. I didn’t fish in the harbor today. Since the wind wasn’t blowing very much I fished outside. Will save the harbor for times when Mother Nature is throwing a tissy fit. Great day to be out on the pond.
Great report ice_sled! I hear you about work getting in the way, had the same issue the day before. However, work is still funding the times I can get away and fish, so I'll keep my complaining to a minimum[Wink]
Sounds like a great rig for you. I'm happy that you are back at the cats full-throttle--its time for you to catch that 33--we could sure use it right now and you are the man to do it. Watch out, North, we're coming up fast on the outside!