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Panoptix review

So I picked up the Garmin Panoptix ice bundle last month and SBennet asked for a local review. I have used it four times, three times at Echo, once at Pineview. I’m still on the learning curve but here are my observations. On several YouTube videos the guys use the LiveVu forward to go out on the ice, scan a 200ft diameter circle, and locate the crappie school.
On my first trip to Echo we went out on the ice about 200’ and scanned a 200’ diameter circle.
There was a fish 60’ behind us, a fish 40’ to the side , and 2 fish 40’ ahead and they were all moving different directions. Trout a different animal. The common denominator was they were all in the 15-20ft depth range. We set up and fished 6-16 ft range and caught 7 trout. Fish sitting on the bottom blend in with the bottom just like with a flasher. LiveVu forward is very powerful in picking up objects suspended in the water column. The first attached picture show a guy jigging 70’ away. The cylinder shape at the top of the picture is how most (but not all) freshly drilled holes appear.

At Pineview I went out on the mud flats at North cemetery and used someone’s abandoned hole and using Live Vu forward looked around and didn’t see anything. I went a ways farther drilled a hole scanned a circle and 40’ away was a fish just off the bottom and what appeared to be a couple more fish on the bottom. I think I was able to see these ones on the bottom because the bottom was mud versus Echo’s rocky bottom and the one suspended fish drew my attention. I went and drilled above them and had a good gathering of fish around my jig all night. ( See second attached picture) Only caught four crappie. Just wish they liked more what I had to offer.

LiveVu down gives you a cylindrical view 100 degrees long and 20 degrees wide. This cylindrical view can also be rotated in a 360 degree circle. Once again a fish sitting still on the bottom will blend in with the bottom. On my second trip to Echo I got into a few 3-4” perch in 34 fow. When they were still I couldn’t see them but when they started inching towards my jig they showed up as a small half a bubble sliding across the bottom. The advantage of LiveVu is you always know where the fish are in relation to your jig a how they respond. Several times I watched fish 20’ away and 15 down descend down to the bottom at 34’ sniff at my jig and swim off ascending back up. If I were seeing them on my flasher I would assume I’m marking fish at 34’.

The ice bundle comes with a Chirp flasher and traditional sonar. I have only used them together on a split screen for a few minutes. The marker lines are thinner than I’m used to on my Hummingbird 55 and I thought it harder to read.

It has GPS and LakeVu maps. The LakeVü maps are worthless in our area.

The diSadvantages are the Panoptix is twice the size and weight of my Hummingbird 55 and it has the long pvc transducer pole assembly. It takes a few minutes more to set up. It works best when you drill at least an 8” hole. The transducer cord in the down view position comes off side ways before it turns up. I have to drill two holes side by side with my 5” hand auger that I use on early ice to get the transducer through.

I bought mine on Amazon since it was the same price there as it was at the Garmin store. Do I have buyers remorse? Not unless they come out with something a lot better next year (i.e.
a Live Scope ice bundle).

I can’t say that I’ve caught more fish this year with it than I would without it but It’s tool for learning and brings a new level of excitement to the ice.
Have you noticed any interference from other sonars? With such a wide range, I wonder about bouncing off another's signal. I imagine being with the crowds at Echo would be a good test around other units
Nice! There's nothing better unless you can tolerate a lot more weight and cost:
this set up is def powerful, i built a livescope ice bundle and it is night and day different from the panoptix. shoots further, betting beam angles and the detail is incredible. there isnt many people in utah running the panoptix, youre the third i know of.
Excellent review. Thank you for taking the time to put it together for us. I have been very tempted by this set up. Dang YouTube!
No I haven’t experienced any interference yet even in the crowds. And I did see the YouTube video on building a Live Scope ice bundle about a week after I bought my LiveVu. That’s something I would have looked at. Glad to hear your report on it.
Thanks for the review!! I was hoping someone would provide some info on the unit, it has some definite appeal to most Ice fishermen. I wonder what kind of clutter it generates when you aim it in the direction of down scan units set up in front of you?
Thanks Bruitus!
I am not a tech guy and I hate computers so my main worry was this would be so technical I would buy it/try it/ hate it/shelf it and go back to my Showdown.
Thank you for mentioning the hole size diameter. I use a 4" auger and do not want to upsize if not needed.
I will definitely look forward to any more comments you care to share.
I mostly chase perch in the winter, are you saying they blend to the bottom so well you might possibly not notice them if they are belly down?
Thanks again, loved your review!
Thanks so much for your time putting together your thoughts on the unit.... I know a lot of us are looking at the system... I'm sure as you get more time with it, you'll learn a lot more, hope you update us as it goes... What is the difference between your system and the Live view thing mentioned later in the post? Thanks Jeff
Thank you for the review
What happened to the ice show idea this year? The panoptix was a product I was hoping to see an in person demo of
Another thank you for your review. Keep the updates coming
I started way too late to get things together in time and the construction on the road at Mantua was a problem with parking. Brigham city wouldn’t return my calls and I basically struck out. Sorry but I’ll try harder for next year. In fact I’ll keep trying this year so I’m ready for next year. I’m like you, I’d love to see this tech in action. I also think a lot of folks would be benefited by seeing what we have available to us. I’ve been showing folks my gear like the electric auger and Marcum LX-7 fish finder and Recon camera and they just shake their heads and think I’m cheating. But the tech works. Can’t tell you how many jigging jaw jackers I could have sold this year. So I’m thinking we can make this thing turn out pretty well. I just needed to start in August. So sorry I let ya down this year. Jeff
[quote Delement87]this set up is def powerful, i built a livescope ice bundle and it is night and day different from the panoptix. shoots further, betting beam angles and the detail is incredible. there isnt many people in utah running the panoptix, youre the third i know of.[/quote]

Which one is better? I am not familiar with live scope, how did you build it?
No apology necessary. No let down here. Happy fishing to you
[quote EyLayo]What happened to the ice show idea this year? The panoptix was a product I was hoping to see an in person demo of[/quote]

It's a great idea! I would love to see the MarCum Showdown in action and would do the same for others who want to see the MarCum LX-9. The Panoptix seems amazing! I'm going to experiment with fly tying for ice fishing and I have a lot of new lures to try this season.

If any of us see me ice fishing with my BFT flag up, then stop by and visit.
Examples of !iveVu are the pictures attached to my initial post. The Live Scope Delement87 refereed to is the next evolution of LiveVu. I haven’t seen it available in an ice bundle but there is a good YouTube video on how to build your own. The attached picture below is an example.