It’s been a while and in my old age since turning 40 last week I remember someone said they used silver thread fluoro for their line. I can’t recall but I thought they said they couldn’t find it any more. If I’m correct and your still interested sales it. It’s under accessories and then fluorocarbon.
I have used Silver Thread for years. I don't believe there is such a line as "silver thread fluoro".
Their selling silver thread fluorocarbon. It’s 18.99 for 200 yards.
[#0000FF]I have been using Silver Thread Excalibur for over 20 years. I haven't found any other "mono" or "fluoro" to have better knot strength or abrasion resistance, while being supple and clear.
[#0000FF]But the Excalibur is a "copolymer"...not mono or fluoro. However, Silver Thread has added the fluorocarbon lines to their arsenal. Haven't tried them or heard any reviews.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Excalibur is no longer on the market...except a few sizes at Ebay. But...the replacement line is Super Silver Thread. Reviews are that it is even superior to the former Excalibur...and it is a copolymer too.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I used to spool all my reels with Excalibur. In recent years I have been topshotting my reels with Nanofil and using the Excalibur as leaders. This gives me great casting ability plus great abrasion resistance and knot strength. I can truthfully say that I have never lost a fish to a broken knot. In fact, I can't ever recall a fish breaking off on Excalibur...and it is tough to break while fishing from a float tube. Even with 6# I have to wrap the line around my hand and really haul back to break it...even though it is comparable diameter to most quality 6# mono.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]A lot of folks swear by fluorocarbon lines. Not me. I have never been outfished by anyone using fluoro while I stuck with Excalibur. But line choice, like most other things fishing, is a very subjective thing. We all have our own preferences and set our own standards of performance.
I can honestly say I haven’t found the one yet when it comes to a leader. I have braid that I like and has done well for me and my kids but I haven’t found a leader that I would spread the word on yet. In fact I’m not much versed on mono vs fluoro vs copolymer. I have used what I have had because I bought it and I’m using it up and since I haven’t lost many fish per se from knots or breakage but I have lost some, I figure I would finish off the spool. I am in the market now for more and have been trying study what others use also what market has and says. I need to study more on mono vs fluoro so I can get the right one. Hopefully it will be the one I will use for many years to come.
[#0000FF]Next chance we have to get together I will hand you off a sample of the Excalibur. I use 25# for leaders on Utah Lake and have never had a fish or snag break it. I have also used the 25# for leaders in salt water, catching numerous salmon, rockfish and big halibut on it. Never a break or chew-off...even with nasty toothy fishes.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I used to use 14# Excalibur for leaders on both Willard and Utah Lake. Setting the hook with heavy rod and line DID break me off on the hookset a couple of times with big fish at Utah Lake. But it was angler error...not line failure. I still use 14# for leader on Willard and have never had a failure there.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]So, I will be happy to provide you with samples of both sizes so you can make your own experiments and form your own opinion.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Are your boys ready for action this year? Hope they can score well in the contest again.