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Full Version: Deeper Chirp Castable Fishfinder. - first trial run
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Cookie , I mean Santa, got me a Deeper Chirp Castable fish finder. I have been eye balling these little babies all summer, thinking they would sure be nice to read the structure within casting range, from shore. I took it out to Willard mid day today for a trial run. Lots of open water in the North Marina for cast practice. I cast it in a fan pattern and then walked the whole edge of the dock.

My initial thoughts.

Super cool tech for nerds like me

I could get a great image of the bottom as I reeled in and can save it as a map for future reference

I could get water temp ( surface )

Floaters and gunk can get it Confused to thinking it see fish.

I need to study the settings. See above bullet point

It has a ice fishing mode - will try it this weekend

It did not attract fish - we got skunked, but we were really not fishing, mostly playing with the toy.

A few more tutorial youtube videos to watch and then out to serious business with actual fishing with it.

Here is a link if you are wondering what I am using
I used the original Deeper Pro for several years. Putting it on clear ice with a little bit of water on top works great for looking through the ice without having to drill, I usually pour a little hot water on an old hole and put the Deeper on top of it. Only problem is you have to bring a battery to charge it. My deeper seems to work a lot better when it's touching the side of the hole so I tie a string to it and tie it to something like a bucket and keep it tight against the side of the hole.
At 300 bills I hope your using some strong poundage line when casting from the shore. That would be a shame to cast it out and have the line break to watch it float away in the wind.
Good advice. I will try this
You sound just like my wife Wink

She closed her eyes on my first cast.

Ya, my test casts were with my catfish rod and very gently tossed. Like lopping a rotten egg at Easter