Awesome job on the Dorados, some great eating there. Sounds like the rest of the vacation is going well also
I brought home quite a few fillets around 15 lbs. frozen in a cooler. The Captain always likes the extra.
(08-08-2021, 11:33 PM)brookie Wrote: [ -> ]I brought home quite a few fillets around 15 lbs. frozen in a cooler. The Captain always likes the extra.
Are they allowed to sell the extra
I suspect they can’t sell the extra, but I think there is a “barter” system in place.
(08-08-2021, 11:46 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ] (08-08-2021, 11:33 PM)brookie Wrote: [ -> ]I brought home quite a few fillets around 15 lbs. frozen in a cooler. The Captain always likes the extra.
Are they allowed to sell the extra
Some captains maintain commercial fishing licenses. That allows them to sell "surplus" catches. It also allows them to make "meat runs" on days when they have no paying passengers. Some of them have standing orders with various restaurants for all they can catch of some of the more popular species. It also works the other way. Some small scale commercial boats will hire out for a day of sport fishing for small groups.
Actually the commercial boat hiring out for a day of sport fishing makes sense. Captain JT ran out of a private dock at the back of Kiki's Sandbar Restaurant. He said that the fish we couldn't take with us wouldn't go to waste and I got the idea that he regularly supplied Kiki's with fish. Also it didn't appear that he took out paying passengers consistently. He was referred to us when our reservation was canceled for Covid and was able to pick us up on short notice. And boy did he know where and how to fish along with his 13 yr old deck hand who was also great.