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Full Version: No signal vexilar 8se fixed!!!
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Temporarily fixed. 
After a decade of droppings it in ice holes, the sonar cone has become loose from the cable under its own weight.  The finder turns on but I only had a signal light at the top. You can tell when you test the cone on your palm and put it by your ear you will hear the sonar signal clicking. If you hold it by the cable you won’t hear clicking. 

I used one hose clamp, 3 steel leaders and one swivel to create a basket to take the weight of the sonar cone connection. 
This is a quick fix but my signal is back strong. Hope this helps if it happens to you. 

[Image: 1624-CCF8-FF35-45-A0-B367-F4-C8-E4-DF88-FB.jpg]

You can see that the carriage has taken the weight off the cable. It’s working normal again, for now.
Great idea, I guess to replace the transducer it was more than it was worth?
They are around $100 so I’ll see how long the temp fix holds. But yes. The 8se are on the outdated side and I would prefer that towards a newer model. Years ago when it was new, I was on the north marina at Willard and a bft member approached me to chat. He introduced himself as tubedude and said of the vexilar “that thing is a weapon” could not have been a more accurate description.