Fishing Forum

Full Version: Utah Lake report #2
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Joatmon and I decided to go fishing out of Provo Harbor yesterday. We planned to meet at 10:00 so the water (and the air) could warm up some. Pisco said we might not get any catfish action due to the cold weather but we went anyway. Brett went a little early to try to catch some white bass for bait. Nothing doing. I had to take care of some "delayed maintenance" on my pickup so we didn't get out fishing until noon. The water and air temperature were both about 58°. Long story short, we had no luck. We tried different baits and lures, varied our speed, etc. They just weren't interested. By the time we left at 4:00 the water temp was up to 59°. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Didn't ya check to see where they stocked it?
Didn't see any cows at all.
Sorry it went so poorly! It was easy for me to say it might be a better day to chase WB because I spent the entire day chagnig an impeller and upgrading some fuel lines on the boat. I didn't get done until 8 P.M. so I didn't call about your electric.