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Full Version: Ice auger sharpening service
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For those of you interested in having your ice auger blades sharpened. I have personally used the service that Strikemaster provides called blade exchange several times (6 or more). Their service is extremely reliable, the service is very prompt, and the resharpened blades cut ice as good as brand new ones at about 1/2 the cost. I've literally benn using the same two sets of 8" blue mora ice auger blades for the last 20 years. I change the blades about every-other year when they become dull and replace the worn blades with my extra set. It takes about a week to 10 days to ship and then receive your resharpened blades back from them. Their website address is:
[url ""][/url]

You may have to copy and paste this link into your browser location in order to get it to work. I've used this service exclusively since I've had 3 or 4 friends over the years try to sharpen my auger blades with specifically made auger sharpening hones/tools. None of them have worked as well as the sharpening service that Strikemaster provides. Somehow the angle of the sharpening has to be perfect or they just don't cut (even with the shims in place). Yeah, the home-sharpened blades are sharp, razor sharp in fact....but they just don't cut through the ice like the ones from the factory. Anyways, I hope this helps you guys out.
What the price for sharpening? I see on the site the shipping charges but not how much for sharpening??
Thanks for postin' that link Rich!
I think this would be a great service if it didn't cost so much. I don't know how much replacement blades are for any other augers, it may be a lot more, but for my little 8 inch hand auger I can buy brand new blades for about $16. If I were to send in my old blades to be sharpened it would cost me $14.50 plus whatever it costs me to mail it to them. It sounds like a good service and may be a better option for more expensive blades. Thanks for the heads up any ways.
Do they only sharpen stikemaster blades or can they do other types/brands?

I agree the service is pretty pricy, but it will save you a few bucks anyway. I remember when they used to charge a flat fee of $5.00 per set. That was 15 years ago. As far as other brands of blades? I don't know, so you'll have to go to their main page and see if you can contact them. You actually speak to a human and not a voice routing machine when you dial in, so I'm sure they would be able to answer your questions.