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Full Version: Fishfinder Battery Life - How long?
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I just bought a new fishfinder and I'm going to pick up some little 12V batteries. I'm deciding between 1 or 2 and curious the life of them, etc. What can I expect from a battery? I realize different factors can eat more juice, but overall general battery life is what I'm looking for etc.

If it helps at all, it's a 2000 watts, 250 watt RMS, 640V x 320H, LCD Unit (Humminbird 565)

Heres a few batteries to look at. I bought the 12volt 7amp about a month ago. I've used it 5 times. 4 of my outings I fished for 6 hours using the light to help keep it warm for half of the day and had no problem with the battery going dead. When I charged it for my next trip it still had alot of juice left and the charge was complete in about 15 minutes. My 5th trip I used it for 9 hours using the light about 4hours, during my last hour of the day it did not want to operater with the light on but ran fine with the light off.