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The ice left Henrys Lake this week and the fish are still running into the hatchery - outstanding. Damon reports that a lot of large hybrids are running. The Fish and Game have started gill netting to check on the condition of the fishery and so far the nets are producing a lot of 1 and 2 year olds with probably most of the 3 and 4 year olds still near the hatchery - staging to spawn.

It looks like it will be a great year. I am excited.

I am planning on going to Henrys this weekend and will probably fish Island Park Res.

Thanks for the update on Henrys. I am looking forward to fishing the lake this year also.

Give us a little feedback on I.P. Reservoir also!

Would like to see you post over on SouthEast Idaho Rod n' Reel again. Thanks for the effort to let us all know.
Great news! I am trying to make arrangments so I can be up there opening weekend and fish Henry's one day and IP res one day. I can't wait. Thanks for keeping up updated on the lake. Let us know how IP treats you this week.
Thanks for the update. I will probably be fishing Henry's on the opener as well.
If everyone is going to Henry's on the opener then I will be somewhere else.[cool] J/K. I haven't decided where I want to go on opening day. I really want to find the stoneflies, but I guess that depends on the temperature, where they are on the river and luck.

Hopefully you do as well this opener as you did last year. I still have dreams about the fish you posted pictures of last year from Henrys!