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Anyone heard of any exciting new tackle being launched for 2003?
yes i have ! farmer tim from work picked up a " trolling bobber " , from one of the outdoor shows . last fall i saw this thing in action , and if your fishing a pond or lake from shore this is the ticket for you . you turn it on , cast it out , give it a few twitches from the rod to set your desired direction ( very little time needed to learn this )and let her go ! tim was all over the lake and never left his seat . i was limited to my casting distance .
bad side of it is the thing is a little stiff in it's steering movement untill it breaks in ,i don't know how it handles in a current , it only comes in three sizes , and that i didn't think of this million dollar idea first ! i think you can order them on-line at ? if you don't have a boat and really want to get out there this may be one option for you .
[#002be7]Not yet but i'm searching for it.[/#002be7]
go to "google" or " dogpile " search engine , put in , that will take you in the right direction .
hi lonehunter that sounds[cool] haha i like fishin from shore better,n i do in a boat. i feel all clostraphobic in a boat. i like to move and tale louie for a walk if i want play wiht him as well as watchin my pole. i,d git laxy haha but that,s ok, sometimes. o don,t generally use a bobber, but durin the summer when we og to knapps pond ya have to cause the trouts on top. beautiful pond on top of a moumtain. brought jake up there got some beautiful pictures up there durin the fall with jake in em. maybe we,ll invest in a few. cool right up my alley!!! thanks.[cool][laugh] mare
good old farmer tim went to jay's sporting goods and picked up a spool of the new " silk line " . he tried it out with a dry cast in his yard ( browning steelhead rod ) and said it was the longest cast he had ever made ( aprox 60 yards ) but even after the weight landed the line kept spooling off . anybody else try this stuff yet ?
I have my eye out for the Shimano Stradic ST-FH.
It has ARB corrosion resistant bearings and,
a fuel injection port for quick lube jobs.
It also has something called a "floating shaft" that supposedly makes it smoother

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Has any one used the fluorescent worm packs?

Its a bait container that contains worm bedding with fluorescent material. As the worms eat the bedding, they pick up the green color. Its supposed to last for a while, and attract more fish? I picked up one last year but haven't tried it yet...
They sell individual packages of the flourescent worm bedding in various colors (green, red, orange) at Gander Mountain here in MN for less than a dollar. I'm thinkin' about trying it but I need to get my worms breading first!

Hey you Minnesota dwellers, you goin' to the SportsShow this week/weekend? If so, I wouldn't mind meetin' a couple of you and maybe hitchhikin' a ride... errr... carpooling down with ya. I wanna try to get there on Friday close to opening time or maybe Sunday if possible. I don't like driving downtown. I'm a suburban/rural driver. I'd get lost down there!!

Let me know if you'd like to carpool, k? Thanks!
Has anyone used (I think it's Berkely's) Proline braided fishing line? I have used Fireline and Whiplash and was wondering what the new technology had to offer. Thanks.
For bass guys there are lots of good electronics. The Lowrance Fishmark 320 is da kind! 320 X 320 pixel for about $200. Lots of color units coming out for a lot less $$$ than they were last year.

Bomber has a suspending long "a" jerkbait out. I like this for spring bass because it suspends better than a rouge out of the box. It also does not cost $15 like a Lucky Craft.

There are also a lot of new super strong, stretchy plastic baits out there. Not sure they are worth the extra $$$.

If I find some other goodies I will be sure to put them up here too.