My wife got me a very nice little reel for ice fishing, and she also got me a rod. The rod has no way of attaching the reel so the sales guy put it on there with electrical tape. Is that the right way to do it and does it really work? Should I return it and get a different rod? Thanks for any info.
I've got two rod/reels that I do that with and they have worked out really well. the only time I think I would worry about it is if I were going after 10+ pounders. I've caught LM Bass near 4 lbs through the ice with reels taped on and had no problem. Just make sure the tape is in good shape each time out.
Hoosier if this is not bait (and I'm taking it hook line and sinker LOL) take it back! They do not make an ice rod to my knowlage that dosen't have a place to mount a reel. I have used tape to repair a reel to a rod in the field, but it will not last and is not the proper way to mount a reel. BTW whats the name of this store, I would like to know where not to go for fishing tackle.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Hey Hoosier,[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]I sent you a Personal Message (PM). Give it a look.[/size][/font]

5 bucks gets you all the ice rod you'll need with reel seat that screws down.
I tape my reels on with electrical tape. You can cut off the reel seats that come with it if you choose, then just tape them on. The advantage to sliding reel seats or no reel seats is the balance you can create. Depending on the size or weight of your reel, you can put that bad boy anywhere you want. The tape works well, I generally tape up at the beginning of the year and it lasts all season. Skeeter tapes lots of his summer fishing stuff. He buys rods without reel seats or cuts them off to obtain maximum smoothness and balance in lots of his rods. Never seen him have a problem even on big fish. if you like the rod, just tape it up. If its a flimsy noodle rod with poor sensitivity take it back. The best ice rod I have ever seen (in a short stick) is the HT Polar lites 32" medium in the old style, before the mega taper series.
Sounds like you got what is called a tennessee handle which is an excellent choice. you can move your real up or down on the handle to find the proper balance. Five of my rods have Tennessee handles and they are all excellent. That type of handle can also increase your sensetivity but if you use a spring bobber like every smart ice fisherman dose, then it don't even matter.
Did you get it at Galyans ? I notice alot of them were that way there . I thought I seen some of the slide on reel seats like the one I have on one of my rods . You still need to tape it or use wire ties . Use the black wire ties because they are more UV resistant .
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Hey Hoosier! They make special tapes to use for better grip. I don't think I'd like plain electrical tape. Seems like it would be slippery with water, fish slime, etc, etc, etc on it. You can buy it in the mail order catalogs like Cablea's or Bass Pro or you can find it locally. Bike shops have tapes for handle bars that serve the same purpose.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Myself, for what I do, I want a reel locked down into a high quailty reel seat but for most of the fishing in this area I'd take all the advice that Skeeter and others have given and tape it up and give it a go. What's the worse that can happen? You could catch a 10+ pounder fish and it rips the reel off? What a story you could tell![/size][/font][

Getting perfect balance on an ice rod?? now I've heard it all.
Hey pred do you have a machine that tests that down to the 1000th? [laugh]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Hey James, nothin' wrong with attention to detail. Do what it takes or what ever YOU think it takes to help you catch fish, right? That's why you sell so much different gear. I can see that balancing a longer rod could be more critical than a short ice rod but if you don't feel comfortable and confident in your equipment it's harder to catch fish. It just hasta feel right! JMHO......[/size][/font]
Thanks for all the help guys. I will use the rod and see how it works out. Hopefully I will test it out tomorrow.
Amen to that BLM. People just don't understand your only as good as your equipment. If your rods sitting on your bucket all day and you don't have the savey to pay attention to detail. Then I would be willing to say your one of those people that get skunked at places like Strawberry.
Absolutley BLM
Thank God there is so much difference of opinion. This sport would get boring quick.

] Heck, Sportsmans has a $2.99 rod that will work fine, especially if you have alot of kiddos to take out. Put a 50 cent spring bobber and you will look like a pro under $4!
Ah done growed up in Kansas fishin with a cane pole, string, and a pin fer a hook. Ah'd spit on it and ketch green sunfish all day. Mah daughter caught a 3 pound brown below Flamin Gorge with a Snoopy rod an reel combo whilst them Orvis/Sage guys was a gittin skunked!
Have fun, be happy. Follow the rules and be thankful for the time you have to go fishing. Leave some for others but eat the ones you kill in the process. Be sure to bring a plastic bag or two to pick up the trash from the idiots that were there before you. Practice wise conservation so you can take your grandkids out with you and tend their poles while you give up your chance for "Walter" or "Catfish Hunter."
I personaly own 17 different types of ice fishing rods, only 2 of them have actual mounts for the reel. all the others are taped on with electrical tape. that is the most common method of mounting the reel and keeping the price of the rod down.
all of my walleye ice rods are taped on.
my newer pole that I picked up this year had a mount, but it was one of 3 brands of 10 that had mounts the other 7 required tape.
it is just fine and you will not have any problems with it. and you will still be in style with the other anglers on the pond.