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Full Version: "WAXING" The Ice Sled
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Hi all! I am wondering what the best treatment is for the bottom of a plastic ice sled. Wax, silicone, Pam......
What do y'all use?

Happy Fishing! [crazy]
good ol parafin wax works for me. or even old candles will work. melt some up in a pan on yer stove, use cheap paint brush and brush on. make sure whatever you are waxing not to cold. room temp or warmer is best. smooth out with a torch if needed. laters
If you want to try Pam, that the can with you and apply it just before you take the sled on the ice. I sprayed my sled 5 days before went fishing and it was still very wet and I had to wipe it off so it wouldn't get all over my trucks carpet kit. I like ski wax. You can get it at Garts and you can apply it any time you want and reaply it on the ice if needed.
ive used a bunch of differnt kinds. but found that johnsons spray wax holds up best. i spray it on the night before and let it set all night.
I have never tried it. My advise would be to get a snowmobile. Then you could even pack the kitchen sink and just keep on going.