[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 4]I love the names that people have picked to use on this forum. I am just curious how and why we pick the names we use on here.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 4]My name "Fly Goddess" came from a T-shirt my dad sent me from Texas. I am known around these parts as Fly Girl, but, that name was in use around this forum so I graduated to Goddess.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 4]What is the storie behind your name........"a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"-WS[/size][/red][/font]

][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]
Now the real truth can be told. I love the sport of golf like I do fishing. Years ago I threw a golf club in a fit of rage. Immediately thereafter I thought what a childest way to expess one's self. I have even seen fisherman throw their rod in the water after breaking off a goodie. When thinking about a handle for the BFT I recalled the club throwing antics [which I never repeated] and that how foolish it was of that guy to throw his rod into the water. Not me, for I will keep my rods dry. Now Roddry didn't have the right ring to it - consequently I selected Dryrod.[/size][/green][/font]
What a great question!
I have seen ten's of thousands of posts on this forum over the years and never have I seen that questioned posed.
My username illustrates my total lack of imagination when I am in work mode. When we first started these forums theangler was the first user name registered to test these boards.
Over the years I have planned on changing it to something a bit more clever but have just never got around to it, oh well it looks like I'll probably use it for life.
Great question, I'll look forward to reading more responces. Its funny how you read a user name and assume where the user may have came up with the name but in reality it can be something totally different

][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]
And you all thought that it was just about her good looks![/size][/green][/font]
when i signed up for this site,i tried to go under bigoutdoors,but i said it was being use,i yet seen anyone using that name so i just went with my name,no big story here...lol
Mine is a little bit more intellectual. George Bernard Shaw made fun the of the english language and it complexities. He claim with the absure rules in english on could spell fish 'ghoti'. How so, well the 'f' in fish is replaces with 'gh' like it tough or enough, the 'i' in fish is replaced with 'o' as is women (no one says women with a long or short 'o', it is an 'i' sound), and the 'sh' in fish is replaced with 'ti' as it is pronounced in nation. So together is spells fish. I slapped kat in front of it to make it mine. No exciting, but it's me.
Unfortunately...my name is self-explanatory [

Military Callsign
I know this dates me but Campfire was my old CB handle and I am not very immaginative. Besides, I love the outdoors!!!!! And I love the origin of katghoti.
My dad was a fishing guide in the windriver mountains near Pindale Wyoming in the late 60s-early70s. I have been making a yearly trek in to the winds since I was 11. I have never been anywhere in the world where the combination of fishing and natural beauty is so intoxicating. So I chose my favorite place as my name.
Now I know who to contact when I go up there this year so I can hook a golden
I wanted to use Grandpa D like I do on other sites, but it was taken. My next choice was my initials and I added my self imposed handle of Renegade Troutfitter to it. DKSRenegade was used until I ran into a problem with my work computer and had to have a different user name when posting on it. Therefore the AKA of DKSTroutfitter. By the way I like to fish for trout just in case someone didn't notice.
My wife goes by Flyfishingfool. No explination needed there
Hi flygoddess,
I sense the plus of fresh blood coursing through the fly fishing board's viens. (Not that Dryrod is any slacker in the creative question catagory.)
I have 3 handles:
Sukeberyoshi- Means, in a humorous way, dirty old (man) hunter and or fisher in Japanese. Ryoshi puts these two ideas together. I belonged to the Hash House Harriers a world-famous, international running club and got that name from them. (their motto: 'a drinking club with a running problem')
JapanRon- Given to me by the many cattleboats I rode when I would come back to the West Coast on vacation twice a year for years and years and stuck when I finally moved back.
Tsurikichi- Means .... fishing crazy/nut and it was my idea (at last) and it comes from a comic book and anime character of a happy-go-lucky kid in Japan (hummmmm looks strangely like Huckleberry Fin if you google it) who's entire existance is centered on fishing and the epic battles and also battle of wits with our finny friends.
that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
lets see....i would have to say my name is out of sheer arogance. not really tho. i got the name from the people i work with since i spend every second i can fishing. just kinda stuck with me. besides it makes a helluva chat name.
And an impressive story indeed JapanRon.[cool]
This name has been with me since I started on the net. Most people think it's because of the Sony Discman, however, it's because I used to play a ton of Disc Golf (Frisbee Golf to those not in the know). My email name is discman_gsb which stands for what me and a good friend of mine used to play for when we would play a game of disc golf... a Garlic Shrimp Burrito. Not very "fishy" but it works well with my memory.