I am looking for some input on what others use for length and Size of the rods that they use on their downriggers.
I am currently using 8'6" Ugly Sticks that are MH action. I am toying with the idea of going to a MH action 7' length Ugly Stick. I am not unhappy with what I am using but is shorter better or should I stay with what I am using.
Whay about spinning rods?
Thanks for your input.
I use 7ft ugly sticks in mh for all my downrigging .Iam not a very tall person and when i was using a pole over 8ft i missed alot of fish,because i couldn't set the hook fast enough.To much pole for me.I know I sure have had better luck using a little shorter rods.I use 2pc ugly sticks in 6ft 6in for my spinning rods,some are light action,the others in med .
I use and have used for years a 9' ugly stick medium action. in fact I have 4 of them. We caught a 32 lb mack at the gorge the other day with no problem. I just like the action and the bend you can put in the rod. Also I use shimano reels on everything I have and trilene xl mono.
I use 2 7'6" eagleclaw starfire rods in light action. It has ehough power for macks, but it's not too heavy for kokes or rainbows. I wish I could find a lighter action one, like a noodle rod for steelhead, but in fiberglass. I agree with the shimano reels. Dont buy the Cabelas linecounter reels, they are junk.
The advantage of a longer rod with downriggers is the ability to have it take up max slack when the fish trips the release (which introduces slack in the line). But you have to really load the rod.
The problem with most Ugly Sticks is they have a soft tip and a stiff butt. I prefer a downrigger road that, when loaded in the rod holder, forms a clean arc from tip to butt.
Check Bass Pro for the Gary Parsons/Keith Kavajecz application-specific rods. Or you can find something comparable here locally in the $30 range that you can flat line with or use in downriggers. I prefer a versatile rod, and with mine I've caught everything from macs to tiger muskies to walleye to trout to perch. Buy as many as you will fish with simultaneously so all are the same.