I have an older strike master auger with an 8" blade and a tecumseh engine on it. The problem is that it doesn't seem to have nearly as much torque as it did last year. It starts and runs great, but as soon as I put and downward pressure on it the blade will stop turning and it has a really hard time breaking through the bottom of the ice. I know the mix might be a little wrong, it calls for 24:1 and I'm running the 32:1 from my weedeater this summer, but I've run the 32:1 in the past. The auger got thoroughly drained and stabilized last spring as always and I always mix a little seafoam in with all of my gas and mixed gas that might not get completely used within 1 month. I've never changed the blades, but they still feel fairly sharp, maybe not razor sharp, but you can feel the burr when you drag your finger across it. I put a new govenor spring on the unit last winter, but ran good after that. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like your gas mixture to me! I would clean your spark plug, change the gas and let it run for a bit to clean out the carb and get the new gas running through it.
I agree with Rob but I would add one thing, use Seafoam in every tank. Unless I misunderstood, you said you use Seafoam only when you won't be using your auger for over a month, is that right? I mix my Seafoam mixture at one gallon of gas to 1 oz. Seafoam. If the problem is your carb, try doubling the Seafoam mixture for a tank of two, even if you have to just hold the auger with out it cutting the ice. How old is your auger? If it is only a few years old the above method should work, if it is older you might consider overhauling the carb. Replacing your blades might help a little but it doesn't sound like a blade problem. Just my two cents worth, hope it helps. WH2
No, I run sea foam in every can of gas, unless it's for the 4 wheeler or something I will use completely right away. My lawn mower, edger, auger, etc. get a little seafoam at all times. I'll change out the mix and give that a shot.
New blades. Put the sheild on it and run it off the ground. Does it have the same RPMs it used too? If it does, your blades are dull. I change mine every year, but I ice fish about 50 days a year and cut 100s of holes.
PS, I eye ball my 4 cycle mix, those engines will run on a drunks pi$$. Trust me, I'm a drunk.
Thanks for the help guys. I've got it all figured out. My air/fuel adjustment on the carb was off. I pulled it apart, cleaned the jet and adjusted the idle up and now it's running great. I do think I'm in the market for some new blades though. The auger is 15 years old so I may have a tough time finding them, haven't really looked yet. If anyone knows of a source for finding out of date part/supplies I would appreciate it.
What is seafoam?
Sea Foam is a fuel additive.
[url "http://www.seafoamsales.com/motorTuneUpConsumer.htm"]Click here to read all about it:[/url]
Thank you, I wondered what that stuff was.
Sounds like I need to get some.
where do you find that stuff?
They used to sell it at Checker (when I worked there) I don't know if they still do. It's in a red & white can (if I remember right). I'm sure they sell it at Autozone, Napa, Pep Boys, Walmart, K-mart, ect. It should be near the carb spray/carb cleaner/fuel additives.
Thanks, I'll look.
I just bought an auger from muskyhunter. It hasn't been run in a while.
While it cuts holes just fine, it doesn't seem to get to full rpm. I think maybe the carb is a little gummed up. This stuff may just do the trick.
Just a little worried when the ice gets thicker.
As was stated, Checker auto and Napa sells it but I have never found it at Auto Zone, I'm not sure about the other stores. Sea Foam is good stuff, I don't run any of my two cycles without it, it is also great for four strokes when you are planning on letting them set for a while. I've been wanting to buy the gallon size but I haven't been able to find it because it just came on the market this year and there hasn't been enough demand for it yet. I hope that will change this year if enough people start asking for it because at 5.00 a pint it can get expensive when you use it in every two cycle tank fill up. WH2
Thanks, sounds like I could use it in a few other machines at the house.
I tried to get Checker to order the gallon size for me, but he looked it up in his catalogue and said that it came in pints or 55 gallons.
When I sent them an Email earlier this year they told me the gallon size should be out by spring. I guess I need to Email them again and see what happened. I know the local Checker I go to didn't have it the last time I checked but I figured that was from lack of people asking for it. I'm glad to hear that someone else is asking about the gallon size.
I know the gallons are out because we just got one at work, I believe that our mechanic special ordered it through a parts plus store.
Thanks for the heads up Phill, I'll give them a call. I'm not familiar with Parts Plus as a local store but I know there has to be one some where in the Ogden area.