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Full Version: Bear Lake two-pole regulation clarification for Idaho license holders
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I've been asked a couple of times for clarification on the two-pole regulation at Bear Lake. In 2007, a Utah or Idaho license is valid for either side of Bear Lake (not the tributaries, only the lake). If the license is a UTAH license AND the angler also purchases a UTAH SECOND POLE PERMIT, then he can fish the UTAH side with two poles. If that person wants to fish the Idaho side, they can only use ONE pole since Idaho regulations do not make a provision for use of two poles. This may change in 2008, but that is how it is at least for the remainder of 2007.

Now the other part is what if the angler has an IDAHO license and has an IDAHO SECOND POLE PERMIT. In that case the Idaho licensed person can only use ONE pole regardless of which state they are fishing in, since Utah will not at this time recognize an Idaho Second Pole permit on the Utah side of the lake. As already mentioned, this may change in 2008, but that is how it is for the remainder of 2007. If the Idaho licensed angler really wants to use a second pole on the Utah side in 2007, then they would have to first buy a Utah license and then a Utah second pole permit.

Next year we hope to have universal regulations in place, but it wasn't possible this year since Idaho Fish and Game only makes changes to their fishing guide on a two-year cycle. In 2008, the universal regulations may be either using across the board recognition of licenses/two pole permits or perhaps a reciprical stamp (similar to Flaming Gorge and Lake Powell). We will let the anglers know as soon as this is sorted out and finalized.
I usually make at least one trip to Idaho to ice fish during the winter and I believe they allow up to five poles while ice fishing. From what you are saying can I assume that rule does not apply to Bear lake? Thanks Scott, for all the helpful info you post on one of my favorite lakes.
Wouldnt it be great if i could use one pole for my idaho licence and the other pole with my utah licence. If things only worked that way. Maybe if i explained i had a split personality then It could work.[sly]
Bear Lake is an "exception" in the Idaho fishing regs. It only allows for use of one pole regardless if you are ice fishing or fishing without ice.
I really hope that the reciprocal stamp is not what is decided on. I hate dealing with making sure i can get one if i arrive late, or early on the first trip. If the stamp is decided to be a go, i would hope that a well marked state line would be put in place, like at flaming gorge. If we are looking for a money maker, lets just make everyone have a utah license to fish utah waters since the best fishing is on our side of the lake. i'm joking- leave it the way it is and get management on the same page, if it aint broke don't fix it.